So what am I gonna find here?

60second momBITS is a place for you to get quick tips and ideas for raising children from a teacher's perspective. This can include anything from how to implement a quick reading lesson in the car to how to interpret what the teacher said when you picked little Jimmy up from school today.

Mom's are busy, we all know that. If you had time to read all day about raising your kids, you probably would. All of the momBITS here are meant for you to read in under 60 seconds. This way you take in a quick parenting thought, focus on your full-time job, go to ballet and soccer practice, make dinner, do laundry, walk the dog, etc., etc., etc. and still have time to yourself and your partner at the end of the day. (And feel good about what you did and the choices you made, too!)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Marshmallow Igloos

Today I want to share a lighthearted winter Arts & Crafts activity that's fun for the whole family. If you find yourself stuck indoors with the kids all day, here's something you can do.

Make an igloo out of marshmallows! You can either glue them down (in which case, please do not encourage your child to eat it!) or you can use vanilla frosting to adhere the marshmallows together. A plastic bowl or a cup with the top cut off can be used as the foundation. If you cut off the top of a cup, use that piece as the foundation for the "entrance." Tin foil can work, too. You can use a paintbrush to fill in any gaps with glue or frosting. Make sure to put a paper plate or shallow bowl underneath for transport and there you have it - a marshmallow igloo and a happy child!

You can also use cotton balls for extra snow and/or white pompoms if you have em'. 

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